Saturday, January 10

We're Growing Up Part I.

And this has for sure been the longest hiatus I've taken from blogging.
Lots happened.
Wonderful things.
And some not so much.
Here is my life summed up in pictures and words!


Well, there was Comic Con! Ahh! We had a blast and we met tons of celebrities! (Not all are pictured because I look weird, in some of them, haha).  We got a three-day pass because the moment we found out James Marsters was going to be there (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, aka my favorite vampire EVER) we knew we had to go and experience it all! So we did. #NoRegrets.  I was completely starstruck by James Marsters.  I lost my cool and I just stood there.  Mickey had a conversation with him and the whole shabang and I just stood there.  Haha.  I got a hug from him and I kept thinking "Oh my goodness, it's Spike!" We kept swinging by his booth every day and then I got a video with him where he pretended to bite me.  Haha!

Mickey has told me this several times and I completely agree with him.  He says that he would rather spend money on experiences rather than money.  I mean, of course, there are exceptions but as a whole, this is a good rule to stick to.

We spent lots of time with Buddy, his dog.  Here Mickey is pictured with Buddy.  They're having a stare-down and I'm pretty sure Mickey won.  Haha.  They actually just had one not too long ago.  They're so adorable.

Here is the rest of the month summed up in pictures and captions! 
William Shatner!!!!
I fell in love with these frames! 

Peter Coyote!
Post-show shenanigans!

National Relaxation Day!
Of course, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  #IceIceBuddy

Our first baseball game together!! 

We started working on our Kickstarter to raise money for a movie that we're currently in the process of filming! It was pretty cool! We filmed a video with all the information people needed to donate! 

I was busy with work as well.  Between flooring, prompting and editing, I was learning a lot! I was still getting used to working mornings and going to sleep early, waking up early and getting out early.  Now, I'm happy to say, I'm doing a bit better.  That first month I was working mornings was interesting because there is such a difference working mornings and opposed to working nightside and I was thrilled to be learning so much! Woohoo! Everybody was so helpful too and I got to meet more well-known people, including Jesse Borrego (pictured below).

September 26 marked three years since I lost my mom and it was just insane to me that it had been that long since I had lost her.  I know my mom would be so proud and happy that I'm working at a television station.  I'm not doing what I want to be doing, yet, but I'm learning so much along the way and I've grown so much.  I know she's happy and watching over me and that makes me feel safe.

Mickey helped a lot and I know that together we can help each other through anything.
During September we continued nurturing our love for movies and we watched Gone Girl!  Oh my goodness! It was good! These were our faces before watching it.  Mickey was excited and I was a tad bit scared because of everything I'd heard about it! 

Our third Comic Con together!! 
And then there was this picture.  Jessica and I wore the same kind of 
stripes at the same time, so a picture was a must! The following week,
 Kimberly and I both wore leopard print so we also took a picture. 

To be continued. 


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