Monday, February 28

Super Rapido

Okay so I really wanted to blog today but everything has been super crazy, so once again I will make a list of the news I have. (Sorry for the scattered-ness)
-I got a 91 on my second Anatomy test, I was studying a whole bunch this weekend, even before the OSCARS, I know, I'm so proud of myself.
-That reminds me the Oscars were amazing!!! :)
-My mom has lab tomorrow and her appt. with the oncologist on thursday, so of course we are a bit more stressed around this time.
-My mom and I visited my aunt in the hospital, it was overwhelming, but on the plus side she is now safe and sound at home, yepee!
-Sandra Bullock looked amazing in Vera Wang!!! (I love this color)--->
She is such an inspiration, she's awesome!
-I am overwhelmed with school stuff and I seriously want Spring Break to get here.
-Oh! It's Black History Month!
-I have the induction for Alpha Lambda Delta (Freshman Honor Society) on thursday, the same day as my mom's chemo, the same day as my presentation in Audio Production, yeah, overwhelming.
-I am doing better than last week, (I have barely cried, as emo as that sounds, but don't worry, I'm better).  I guess it's because I am too busy to be stressed...?
-The Bachelor was interesting tonight!
-I am looking forward to next semester and not taking a 7:30am class. :)

I thought that from now on I would write an interesting fact about myself at the end of every (or almost every post), so here it is...
*I don't really care for chocolate, I usually only crave it maybe three times a year, weird I know.*

Thanks for reading.  Please keep praying!


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