Saturday, October 26


So I've been incognito for over a month now and it's been super weird not blogging.  So, my plan is to make posts more often and shorter!

That's it. 

Just kidding. 
Here are a few things that happened since the last time I blogged. 

I've directed and produced my first two broadcasts for our student-run TV station! 
I was the maid of honor at my cousin's wedding!
Mickey and I went ice skating on our way back from the wedding (in Houston)
I've made my own website, business cards, and Facebook personality page
I've been exercising four times a week and have picked up Zumba again!
Mickey and I celebrated our year and a half-aversary! (cheesy?) ;)
Mickey has another part-time job recording videos and posting them online for a magazine!
& we smelled fall for the first time!

P.S. Did I mention we'll be graduating from college in 42 days? Yup.  :)

Our first official Starbucks date the first time we smelled fall!


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