So for the news of this week. List? Yeah, I think it's my style, it helps me keep organized.

-FINALS are done!!!! I'm done with my third semester of college! I still get this feeling sometimes (since thursday 3:25ish) that I need to study for something. I definitely don't! Woohoo!
-Work was very stressful today. My boss' mom isn't doing well. Please pray for them. <3 Thank you. Pray for her to comforted by God and our love (co-workers, friends, family).
-I'm doing very well in the "trying new things" department. It's pretty amazing. My momma would be proud.
-I volunteered with Susan G. Komen today at this Breast Cancer Symposium in my city. It was FANTASTIC! I loved helping out and meeting people from all over the world. Singapore, United Kingdom, (I heard British accents!!!!) California, Venezuela, NEW YORK!, Italy (I need to tell y'all something later concerning Italy, BIG NEWS!), and many other places. It was so rewarding and I loved talking with the ladies there, the ones at the booth where I volunteered. I look forward to volunteering with them in the future!
-Acting final was super fun! Caity and I were nervous right after we performed it because we were the first ones and you know, it was the FINAL but we got amazing feedback!!! I really love theatre. It makes me happy. I always feel better leaving that class. I'm gonna miss it tons. Next theatre class up: Intro to Technical Production, where unfortunately there is no performing :( Oh well, until Fall 2012 for…INTERMEDIATE ACTING! I'm super excited for that one.
-I will miss Country Western Dance :( It was a very fun class. I miss dancing. Boo. Hopefully, I will get to use my awesome dancing skills soon though. Haha. But seriously.
-One of the other classes I will miss is Italian, I will be taking Italian next semester, so it will be okay.
✭✮✯So, some of y'all may have forgotten the Italy thing I mentioned above ↑ (way up there) and some of y'all maybe didn't but here it is….WAIT FOR IT…WAIT….so…I'm 83% sure I'm going to study abroad in Italy during the Spring of 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that amazing/wonderful/magnificent or what? It all started when I was talking to my Italian teacher, who was also my Spanish teacher in high school. I don't remember how we got to it but we started talking about studying abroad. My scene partner and I were the last ones there after everyone (including ourselves) finished finals. We all started talking about stuff and my teacher started talking about studying abroad in Italy. I've always been the one to dismiss the idea because I always wanted to be here, different priorities you know? Now, though, everything has changed. It was nice to talk to her about it, she mentioned how learning Italian would be good for me in Italy. (Rome, exactly). She gave me a few compliments and made my week, seriously! I love Italian and to hear compliments about it is amazing. Anyway, I talked with Alanna, study abroad information guru and I got lots of information. Long story short, the opportunity is incredible. When talking with Alanna, I still was 50-50 on it but now, I've visited the website like 2039480348 times and keep planning everything. I am still worried about a few things but, y'all, wouldn't it be amazing? Or wait Amyzing? (My new nickname! Haha, thanks Mickey!) Well, anyway, please cross your fingers for everything to work out (especially financially).
-I feel I've been rambling but this was major news so it needed to be shared.
-I wish y'all good luck on finals! Almost there!

-So, there you have it. Signs. Pretty important to me. Haha. Momma would be proud of me for everything that happened this week. So much, I can't even write it in here. I'm loving these signs too!
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