-We left at around 11am that friday and it took us forever to get there but we finally got there.
-The next day was..wait for it…THE DALLAS COWBOYS GAME!!!! That was really the main event of our vacation. That was so much fun! We even took a tour of the stadium that monday after Christmas. We saw pretty much the entire stadium, we went inside the locker rooms and all that good stuff.
-It was freakin' amazing.
-Christmas wasn't too too difficult although I did have a meltdown or two on Christmas Eve. I'm pretty proud of how I did.
-The hotel wasn't that bad, there were plenty of mirrors which made straightening my hair fun. Haha.
-On the 26th we headed to the resort. That was nice but the lodge was kinda ugly. During our stay there (26-30) we went to the Caldwell Zoo, Cherokee Trace Drive-Thru Safari, we ate at the Purple Pig, passed a sign that read "Bodacious Bar-B-Q", we went to the Tiger Wildlife Refuge, and some other places as well.
-Oh! So we were at the Caldwell Zoo and I saw this little girl and I absolutely loved her hairstyle. I was going to tell my aunt but the little girl walked like right in front of me and looked at me so I told her instead. "I love your hair" was what I said exactly and she went running to her dad and said "Dad, that lady/girl (not sure what she said) said she liked my hair" and she was pointing to me with a smile on her face. I told her dad that I really liked it and he told her "What do you say?" so she said thank you and then (and this is the cute part) she came up to me and hugged me. I'm 5 feet tall and she came up to my waist and she gave me this little hug she was so adorable!!!! That was probably the highlight of the entire trip for me. <3
-Oh! Also I adopted a tiger named Katrina from the Tiger Wildlife Refuge! Her name is Katrina and she is the oldest tiger there. She has the same birthday as my mom did (April 26). I thought it was a sign from my momma. <3

-On our way back home we stopped at a gas station called Stripes and it was very fancy! I took pictures haha. There was a fruit bar area, smoothies were available and there were tables!!!
-We got home yesterday around 7. We watched Dick Clark's New Years Rockin Eve and it was nice to keep that tradition going. My mom and I would always ring in the new year with New York and then with our city. We both considered NY a second home. I had a meltdown right after we rang in the new year with NY but since then I've been meltdown-free *knock on wood*. After we rang in the New Year with NY and had six things of something. In Mexico, the tradition is that you eat 12 grapes as the clock counts down but my mom and I would substitute the grapes for something smaller or we would cut up the grapes. Last night my aunt and I had skittles. I thought it would be a good idea to eat 6 with NY and 6 with my city. After we rang in the new year my aunt and I went to their backyard and watched some fireworks. It was a nice night. I'm pretty sure my momma would be proud.
-So my resolution for this year is to try new things. Be fearless.
I'm probably missing stuff but you get the idea of how wonderful of a time I had.
Oh! Today I cooked this one dish my mom and I used to make and it was nice to see my aunt and uncle like it and figure out how to eat it (tostada).
I got the first season of Grey's Anatomy btw!!!!
HAPPY 2012! I'm already liking this year.
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