-Monday was weird. I cried right around lunch time, it was one of those depressing ones, and plus I wasn't hungry because I was worried about this one midterm I took. I didn't even eat lunch. I am glad to say though I have been doing well today!
-Ohh! I got the highest test grade in my Italian class!
-Acting has been EXTREMELY fun! What else is new? Oh, btw I'm still looking for the right monologue, this was one is a toughie.
-BIG BLOG NEWS: For my writing for the media class, we are starting a new a blogging assignment, meaning I will use this blog for that. The assignment is to write about pretty much anything, as long as it shows growth because we'll be writing a feature story after. I have decided to write about starting new, starting fresh. Since my mom has passed, this will be a new beginning, life without my awesome little momma but it will be about finding the good things in life, about healing, about doing new things that would've scared me in the past and stuff I know my mom would have wanted to do. (Example A: Today at Olive Garden I got a raspberry lemonade, I would have never done that before, granted, they didn't have normal lemonade, so I had to get that one, but I tried it and it was DELICIOUS!) Do y'all catch my drift? These blogs will be 2 a week for 5 weeks so it will be for a while but I will try to write these kinds of posts also.
-My sessions with Dr. Tucker and Jana have been going very well, each time I leave the office it's like I feel like I've talked with my mom about how I'm doing, it's really nice.
-I have a TON of stuff to do but my aunt is helping me a lot.
-This past Sunday I went with some friends to Barnes and Noble (to celebrate a friend's birthday) and I got some books! One was a dream dictionary (in english, because I mentioned a long while ago my mom had a spanish one) and I got a book with inspirational quotes and stuff.
-Thursday and Friday of this week is fall break! Yey! I'm on fall break already!
-VERY IMPORTANT NEWS: I got an iPhone 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wanting an iPhone since they first came out but we had Sprint and now Sprint has iPhones!!! I am beyond excited to have this phone! It's gorgeous!
-LOVELY NEWS: Today I went to go see the family my mom and I had at the oncologist's office, it was absolutely wonderful. You'd think that I would have been depressed because of what happened in that office but it was nice seeing everybody, the only person that wasn't there was the nurse practitioner but hopefully I will see her soon! I cannot describe to y'all how beautiful it was to see them again. Now, I can share wonderful events going on in my life! I'm excited about the future again. My momma must be so proud.
-I found two dresses for work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are gorgeous, oh and I got a bag from Ross too, oh and a fedora! Excitement all around. Oh and I got a magnificent scarf from another store!
-I hope y'all are doing well! Thanks for reading.
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